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Home > In Vitro Diagnostics
Alternative Scenarios - 3
Blood Banking - 105
Cancer - 92
Clinical Chemistry - 262
Coagulation - 89
Decentralized Testing - 3
DNA Probes/Biochips - 33
Genetic Testing - 1
Hematology/Flow Cytometry - 98
Hemostasis - 70
Histology/Cytology - 2
Immunodiagnostics - 26
Infectious Diseases - 295
Microbiology Testing - 80
Molecular Diagnostics - 141
NAT - 82
POC Testing - 163
Strategic Planning - 24
Top 10 Companies - 22
Transfusion Testing - 84
Tumor Markers - 75
 In Vitro Diagnostics Market Research Reports

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UK Molecular Diagnostic Testing Market: Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Application, and Supplier Shares by Test

This report provides an overview of the UK molecular diagnostic testing market, including test volume, and sales forecasts by application, and supplier shares by test.


France Molecular Diagnostic Testing Market: Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Application, and Supplier Shares by Test

This report provides an overview of the French molecular diagnostic testing market, including test volume, and sales forecasts by application, and supplier shares by test.


Germany Molecular Diagnostic Testing Market: Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Applications, and Supplier Shares by Test

This report provides an overview of the German molecular diagnostic testing market, including test volume, and sales forecasts by application, and supplier shares by test.


Italy Molecular Diagnostic Testing Market: Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Application, and Supplier Shares by Test

This report provides an overview of the Italian molecular diagnostic testing market, including test volume, and sales forecasts by application, and supplier shares by test.


2021 France Molecular Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares by Test, Volume and Sales Forecasts by Application

This report provides an overview of the French molecular diagnostic testing market, including test volume, and sales forecasts by application, and supplier shares by test.


2021 Germany Molecular Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares by Test, Volume and Sales Forecasts by Application

This report provides an overview of the German molecular diagnostic testing market, including test volume, and sales forecasts by application, and supplier shares by test.


2021 Italy Molecular Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares by Test, Volume and Sales Forecasts by Application

This report provides an overview of the Italian molecular diagnostic testing market, including test volume, and sales forecasts by application, and supplier shares by test.


2021 Japan Molecular Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares by Test, Volume and Sales Forecasts by Application

This report provides an overview of the Japanese molecular diagnostic testing market, including test volume, and sales forecasts by application, and supplier shares by test.


2021 Spain Molecular Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares by Test, Volume and Sales Forecasts by Application

This report provides an overview of the Spanish molecular diagnostic testing market, including test volume, and sales forecasts by application, and supplier shares by test.


2021 UK Molecular Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares by Test, Volume and Sales Forecasts by Application

This report provides an overview of the UK molecular diagnostic testing market, including test volume, and sales forecasts by application, and supplier shares by test.


UK Tumor Markers Testing Market: Sales Forecasts By Market Segment and Supplier Shares by Test

This report provides an overview of the UK cancer diagnostics market, including market shares of leading suppliers by test, as well as volume and sales forecasts by market segment.


2014 Diagnostics Industry Review and Outlook:
Expert Analyses, Competitor Insights, Granular Data

The studies provide expert analyses, strategic insights and granular data, such as supplier shares and sales forecasts for over 400 diagnostic tests by country and market segment.

The reports are available by region, country, section, market segment, individual test, and can be custom-tailored to your specific information needs and budget.


Sexually-Transmitted Diseases Global Reports Series

We are pleased to introduce the �Sexually-Transmitted Diseases Global Report Series,� a collection of seven insightful market and technology assessments designed to help executives evaluate emerging opportunities and develop successful business expansion strategies. The reports feature latest data, independent analyses, and fresh opinions on industry trends, technologies, products, and market players.


Enteric Diseases: Global Report Series

We are pleased to introduce the �Enteric Diseases: Global Reports Series,� a collection of eleven insightful market and technology assessments designed to help executives evaluate emerging opportunities and develop successful business expansion strategies. The reports feature latest data, independent analyses, and fresh opinions on industry trends, technologies, products, and market players.


What�s Driving Diagnostics Industry through 2020 and Beyond?

The following are the 2015 additions to our collection of Diagnostics Industry market research and technology assessments. These unique reports provide granular data and insightful analyses not available from any other published source, such as supplier shares and sales forecasts by market segment and country for over 400 molecular, chemistry, microbiology, cancer, hematology, coagulation, blood banking and other assays....


Leading Diagnostics Suppliers Sales, Market Shares and Competitive Position by Product and Country

This new series of unique market intelligence reports provides information not available from any other published source, such as diagnostics sales and market share estimates by individual product and country for leading suppliers and their main competitors. The reports also include strategic assessments of major suppliers, including their sales, M&A, product portfolios, marketing tactics, and new products in R&D.


Sales and Market Shares of Major Diagnostic Product Suppliers by Test and Country

This new series of unique market intelligence reports provides information not available from any other published source, such as diagnostics sales and market share estimates by individual product and country for leading suppliers and their main competitors.

The reports also provide strategic assessments of major suppliers, including their sales, M&A, product portfolios, marketing tactics, and new products in R&D.


2016 World In Vitro Diagnostics Market: Reagent and Instrument Supplier Shares by Test, Country Sales and Volume Segment Forecasts for 400 Assays, 20 Market Segments and 14 Test Locations

The following are the 2016 additions to our collection of In Vitro Diagnostics Industry market research and technology assessments. These unique reports provide granular data and insightful analyses not available in any other published source, such as supplier shares and sales forecasts by market segment and country for over 400 molecular, chemistry, microbiology, cancer, hematology, coagulation, blood banking and other assays....


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