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Home > In Vitro Diagnostics
Alternative Scenarios - 3
Blood Banking - 105
Cancer - 92
Clinical Chemistry - 262
Coagulation - 89
Decentralized Testing - 3
DNA Probes/Biochips - 33
Genetic Testing - 1
Hematology/Flow Cytometry - 98
Hemostasis - 70
Histology/Cytology - 2
Immunodiagnostics - 26
Infectious Diseases - 295
Microbiology Testing - 80
Molecular Diagnostics - 141
NAT - 82
POC Testing - 163
Strategic Planning - 24
Top 10 Companies - 22
Transfusion Testing - 84
Tumor Markers - 75
 In Vitro Diagnostics Market Research Reports

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Emerging Infectious Disease Testing Technologies and Market Applications

This report provides a detailed analysis of the current and emerging technologies, and their potential applications for the infectious disease testing market, including DNA probes, biochips, monoclonal antibodies, immunoassays, IT, gel microdroplets, differential light scaltering, chromatography and several others.

Contains 61 pages


Chlamydia Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares, Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Country and Market Segment--France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK, USA--Hospitals, Commercial and Public Health Labs, POC Locations

This report presents test volumes, sale forecasts and supplier shares for the US, Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK) and Japan. The report provides volume and sales forecasts for Chlamydia tests performed in the following market segments:


CMV Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares, Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Country and Market Segment--France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK, USA--Hospitals, Blood Banks, Commercial and Public Health Labs, POC Locations

This report presents Cytomegalovirus diagnostics market data for the US, Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK) and Japan. For each country, the report provides test volume and sales forecasts for the following market segments:


Gonorrhea Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares, Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Country and Market Segment--France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK, USA--Hospitals, Commercial and Public Health Labs, POC Locations

This report presents test volumes, sale forecasts and supplier shares for the US, Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK) and Japan. The report provides volume and sales forecasts for Gonorrhea tests performed in the following market segments:


Influenza Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares, Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Country and Market Segment--France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK, USA--Hospitals, Commercial and Public Health Labs, POC Locations

This report presents test volumes, sale forecasts and supplier shares for the US, Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK) and Japan. The report provides volume and sales forecasts for Influenza tests performed in the following market segments:


Septicemia Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares, Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Country and Market Segment--France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK, USA--Hospitals, Commercial and Public Health Labs, POC Locations

This report presents test volumes, sale forecasts and supplier shares for the US, Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK) and Japan. The report provides volume and sales forecasts for Septicemia tests performed in the following market segments:


Streptococci Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares, Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Country and Market Segment--France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK, USA--Hospitals, Commercial and Public Health Labs, POC Locations

This report presents test volumes, sale forecasts and supplier shares for the US, Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK) and Japan. The report provides volume and sales forecasts for Streptococci tests performed in the following market segments:


Syphilis Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares, Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Country and Market Segment--France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK, USA--Hospitals, Blood Banks, Commercial and Public Health Labs, POC Locations

This report presents test volumes, sale forecasts and supplier shares for the US, Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK) and Japan. The report provides volume and sales forecasts for Syphilis tests performed in the following market segments:


Tuberculosis Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares, Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Country and Market Segment--France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK, USA--Hospitals, Commercial and Public Health Labs, POC Locations

This report presents test volumes, sale forecasts and supplier shares for the US, Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK) and Japan. The report provides volume and sales forecasts for Tuberculosis tests performed in the following market segments:


Mycoplasma Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares, Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Country and Market Segment--France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK, USA--Hospitals, Commercial and Public Health Labs, POC Locations

This report presents test volumes, sale forecasts and supplier shares for the US, Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK) and Japan. The report provides volume and sales forecasts for Mycoplasma tests performed in the following market segments:


Mononucleosis Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares, Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Country and Market Segment--France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK, USA--Hospitals, Commercial and Public Health Labs, POC Locations

This report presents test volumes, sale forecasts and supplier shares for the US, Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK) and Japan. The report provides volume and sales forecasts for Mononucleosis tests performed in the following market segments:


Rotavirus Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares, Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Country and Market Segment--France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK, USA--Hospitals, Commercial and Public Health Labs, POC Locations

This report presents test volumes, sale forecasts and supplier shares for the US, Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK) and Japan. The report provides volume and sales forecasts for Rotavirus tests performed in the following market segments:


RSV Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares, Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Country and Market Segment--France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK, USA--Hospitals, Commercial and Public Health Labs, POC Locations

This report presents test volumes, sale forecasts and supplier shares for the US, Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK) and Japan. The report provides volume and sales forecasts for Respiratory Syncytial Virus tests performed in the following market segments:


Rubella Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares, Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Country and Market Segment--France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK, USA--Hospitals, Commercial and Public Health Labs, POC Locations

This report presents test volumes, sale forecasts and supplier shares for the US, Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK) and Japan. The report provides volume and sales forecasts for Rubella tests performed in the following market segments:


Meningitis Diagnostics Market: Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Country and Market Segment: Hospitals, Blood Banks, Labs, POC Locations--France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK, USA

Thisreport presents test volumes, sale forecasts and supplier shares for the US, Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK) and Japan. The report provides volume and sales forecasts for Meningitis tests performed in the following market segments:


Infectious Disease Testing Technologies and Market Applications

This report provides a detailed analysis of the current and emerging technologies, and their potential applications for the infectious disease testing market, including DNA probes, biochips, monoclonal antibodies, immunoassays, IT, gel microdroplets, differential light scattering, chromatography and several others.

Contains 61 pages


Hematology and Flow Cytometry Markets: New Product Development Opportunities, Market Penetration Strategies, Entry Barriers and Risks

The report identifies the major opportunities for hematology and flow cytometry instruments, consumables, and auxiliary products; proposes �ideal� product models with tentative prices and operating characteristics; and suggests alternative market penetration strategies for suppliers.

Contains 23 pages


Japan Hematology Market: Instrument and Consumable Supplier Shares, and Market Segment Sales Forecasts

This report provides an overview of the Japanese hematology market, including sales and market shares of leading instrument and consumable suppliers, as well as test volume and sales forecasts by market segment.


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