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Home > In Vitro Diagnostics
Alternative Scenarios - 3
Blood Banking - 105
Cancer - 92
Clinical Chemistry - 262
Coagulation - 89
Decentralized Testing - 3
DNA Probes/Biochips - 33
Genetic Testing - 1
Hematology/Flow Cytometry - 98
Hemostasis - 70
Histology/Cytology - 2
Immunodiagnostics - 26
Infectious Diseases - 295
Microbiology Testing - 80
Molecular Diagnostics - 141
NAT - 82
POC Testing - 163
Strategic Planning - 24
Top 10 Companies - 22
Transfusion Testing - 84
Tumor Markers - 75
 In Vitro Diagnostics Market Research Reports

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US Molecular Diagnostics and NAT Market: Supplier Shares and Market Segment Forecasts

This report provides:

Five-year sales forecasts for the US Molecular Diagnostics market, including: - Infectious Diseases - Cancer - Forensic Testing - Genetic Diseases - Paternity Testing/HLA Typing, and other applications.


Molecular Diagnostics and DNA Sequencing Market: Laboratory Universe, Country Volume and Sales Forecasts

Estimates of facilities performing DNA sequencing and molecular diagnostic testing in France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK and USA.


US In Vitro Diagnostics Market: Strategic Implications of Emerging Reimbursement, Technological and Market Trends

- How will the future reimbursement changes affect individual market segments?

- Will the industry consolidate, decentralize, or undergo a bimodal transformation?

- What will be the impact on purchasing influences, marketing strategies, joint ventu


Tumor Marker Diagnostic Technologies: Assessment of Current and Emerging Technologies, And Their Potential Market Applications

This 110-page report provides:

  • Assessments and potential applications of monoclonal antibodies, immunoassays, DNA probes, biochips/microarrays, chromosome analysis, IT, flow cytometry and biosensors or tumor marker diagnostic testing.
  • Review of competing/complementing technologies, such as CT, MRI, NMR, PET and photonics spectroscopy.

Contains 110 pages


Leading Transfusion Testing Market Players: Strategic Assessments of Major Suppliers and Emerging Market Entrants

This report presents extensive analyses of major current and emerging suppliers of transfusion diagnostic instruments and reagents. For each company the report provides:

  • Sales
  • Market shares
  • Product portfolios
  • Marketing tactics
  • Technological know-how
  • New products in R&D
  • Collaborative arrangements
  • Business strategies

Contains 50 pages


Transfusion Testing Technologies: Assessment of Current and Emerging Technologies, and Their Potential Market Applications

This report provides detailed analysis of 13 current and emerging technologies, and their potential market applications.

Contains 75 pages


Competitive Intelligence: Leading Transfusion Diagnostic Testing Market Players--Strategic Assessments of Major Suppliers and Emerging Market Entrants

This new report from Venture Planning Group provides extensive analyses of major current and emerging suppliers of transfusion diagnostic instruments and reagents. The assessments include:
  • Sales
  • Product portfolios
  • Marketing tactics
  • Technological know-how
  • New products in R&D
  • Collaborative arrangements
  • Business strategies

Contains 50 pages


CompetitiveWatch Transfusion Diagnostic Testing: Strategic Assessments of Major Suppliers

This report presents extensive analyses of major current and emerging suppliers of transfusion diagnostic instruments and reagents. For each company the report provides:

  • Sales
  • Market shares
  • Product portfolios
  • Marketing tactics
  • Technological know-how
  • New products in R&D
  • Collaborative arrangements
  • Business strategies

Contains 50 pages


2015 CompetitiveWatch Transfusion Diagnostic Testing: Strategic Assessments of Major Suppliers

This report presents extensive analyses of major current and emerging suppliers of transfusion diagnostic instruments and reagents. For each company the report provides:

  • Sales
  • Market shares
  • Product portfolios
  • Marketing tactics
  • Technological know-how
  • New products in R&D
  • Collaborative arrangements
  • Business strategies

Contains 50 pages


2015 CompetitiveWatch Transfusion Diagnostics: Major Suppliers Strategic Assessments

This report presents extensive analyses of major current and emerging suppliers of transfusion diagnostic instruments and reagents. For each company the report provides:

  • Sales
  • Market shares
  • Product portfolios
  • Marketing tactics
  • Technological know-how
  • New products in R&D
  • Collaborative arrangements
  • Business strategies

Contains 50 pages


2016 Emerging Opportunities in the Transfusion Diagnostic Testing Market: Strategic Assessments of Major Suppliers

This report presents extensive analyses of major current and emerging suppliers of transfusion diagnostic instruments and reagents. For each company the report provides:

  • Sales
  • Market shares
  • Product portfolios
  • Marketing tactics
  • Technological know-how
  • New products in R&D
  • Collaborative arrangements
  • Business strategies

Contains 50 pages


Transfusion Diagnostics: Major Suppliers Strategic Assessments

This report presents extensive analyses of major current and emerging suppliers of transfusion diagnostic instruments and reagents. For each company the report provides:

  • Sales
  • Market shares
  • Product portfolios
  • Marketing tactics
  • Technological know-how
  • New products in R&D
  • Collaborative arrangements
  • Business strategies

Contains 50 pages


Global Microbiology Testing Market: Facilities, Test Volumes, and Sales Forecasts by Country

This report provides a worldwide overview of the microbiology testing marketenvironment, structure, size and growth. Includes estimates of the number of laboratories performing microbiology tests, as well as ten-year test volume and sales forecasts by country.

Contains 15 pages and 3 tables


Leading Microbiology Market Players: Insightful Profiles of Major Suppliers and Recent Market Entrants

This report presents strategic assessments of leading market players and emerging suppliers with innovative technologies and products in terms of their sales, product portfolios, distribution tactics, technological know-how, new products in R&D, collaborative arrangements, and business strategies.

Contains 90 pages


Microbiology Testing Instrumentation: Operating Characteristics, Features and Selling Prices of Leading Automated and Semiautomated Analyzers

This report reviews major analyzers used for microbiology testing, including their operating characteristics, features and selling prices.

Contains 20 pages


Microbiology: Leading Suppliers Strategic Profiles

This report presents strategic assessments of leading market players and emerging suppliers with innovative technologies and products in terms of their sales, product portfolios, distribution tactics, technological know-how, new products in R&D, collaborative arrangements, and business strategies.

Contains 90 pages


Hemostasis Instrumentation Review: Operating Characteristics, Features and Selling Prices of Leading Automated and Semiautomated Analyzers

This report reviews current instrumentation technologies, and compares features of nearly 50 leading automated and semi-automated analyzers.

Contains 35 pages


Hemostasis Technologies: Market Applications of Current and Emerging Technologies

This report provides detailed analysis of the current and emerging hemostasis technologies and their potential market applications.

Contains 50 pages


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