Home > Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology > Medical Equipment > Herpes Diagnostics Market: US, Europe, Japan Test Volume, Sales Forecasts and Supplier Shares by Country
Herpes Diagnostics Market: US, Europe, Japan Test Volume, Sales Forecasts and Supplier Shares by Country
| Worldwide | Per country | Complete report | $4,850 | $950 | Data only* | $2,400 | $450 | * Test volumes, sales forecasts, supplier shares. | The report presents a detailed analysis of the Herpes diagnostics market in the US, Europe, (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK) and Japan. Current scientific views on the Herpes definition, epidemiology and etiology are reviewed. The report provides the 5- and 10-year test volume and sales forecasts by country for Herpes Simplex I/II and Herpes Type VI testing for the following markets:
- Hospitals - Commercial/Private Labs - Physician Offices - Public Health Labs For each country, in addition to test volume and sales projections, the report presents sales and market share estimates for major suppliers of Hepatitis tests. Also, the report examines the market applications of DNA Probes, Monoclonal Antibodies, Immunoassays, IT and other technologies reviews features and operating characteristics of automated analyzers profiles leading suppliers and recent market entrants developing innovative technologies and products and identifies emerging business expansion opportunities, alternative market penetration strategies, market entry barriers and risks, and strategic planning issues and concerns. Contains 241 pages and 22 tables
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