For Table of Contents, List of Tables, and Sample Pages, email [email protected] or call +1 212 564 2838. The report analyzes a variety of cardiac biomarkers currently on the market, including those used to determine cholesterol and lipoprotein levels, cardiac necrosis, thrombosis, inflammation and genetic variants. Furthermore, a large number of biomarkers are currently under evaluation, and if successful, may provide cardiologists with a more comprehensive assessment of cardiovascular risk and prognosis. Scope - Analyzes key IVD and imaging technologies, and their applications for early diagnosis, treatment and patient monitoring in CVD.
- Assesses current approaches being adopted by the leading IVD and emerging market entrants.
- Profiles leading companies developing novel technologies for IVD and diagnostic imaging.
- Analyses potential of products and technologies for improving diagnosis and guiding treatment decisions earlier during the course of CVD.
- Reviews benefits associated with different approaches to IVD and diagnostic imaging.