Home > Chemicals > Paints & Coatings > CompetitiveWatch 2014: RPM in the Global Paint and Coatings Industry--Challenges, Technological Capabilities, Marketing Tactics, Strategic Direction
CompetitiveWatch 2014: RPM in the Global Paint and Coatings Industry--Challenges, Technological Capabilities, Marketing Tactics, Strategic Direction
This new report from Venture Planning Group provides insightful analysis of RPM’s capabilities, goals and strategies in the global paint and coatings market. The report presents a worldwide strategic overview of the paint and coatings market, including: The analysis of RPM includes: - Specific business, new product development and marketing
strategies. - Major strengths and weaknesses, e.g., managerial, organizational,
marketing and product development. - Anticipated acquisitions, joint ventures and divestitures.
- Promotional tactics.
- Distribution approaches.
- Product service and support.
- Customer relations.
- Internally developed and acquired technologies, processes, and related capabilities.
- Proprietary technologies and patent litigations.
Contains 13 pages 3 tables
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