Home > Medical Devices > Diagnostic Imaging > 2015 CompetitiveWatch Diagnostic Imaging: Analogic, Esaote, GE, Hitachi, Hologic, Philips, Shimadzu, Siemens, Toshiba
2015 CompetitiveWatch Diagnostic Imaging: Analogic, Esaote, GE, Hitachi, Hologic, Philips, Shimadzu, Siemens, Toshiba
The companies analyzed in this report include Analogic, Esaote, GE, Hitachi, Hologic, Philips, Shimadzu, Siemens, and Toshiba. The report presents insightful strategic assessments, including: - Business, new product development, and marketing strategies.
- Anticipated acquisitions, joint ventures, and divestitures.
- The U.S. and international sales force size in major geographic regions.
- Selling options, including rental plans, leasing and others.
- Promotional tactics, e.g., pricing, discounts, advertising, trade shows, seminars, product literature, newsletters, etc.
- System service and support.
- Internally developed and acquired diagnostic imaging and related technologies, including X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, CT, nuclear medicine, PET, PACS, and others.
Contains 151 pages
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